Dr. Pilar Mayer-Koukol


+43 1 361 400-711

Ms Mayer-Koukol specializes in white-collar crime and defense in complex white-collar crime proceedings. In addition, she has extensive experience in the area of compliance, advises on all questions relating to whistleblowing systems and supports companies in internal investigations.

Ms Mayer-Koukol gives lectures and publishes regularly on current criminal law topics and compliance issues. She acts as an ombudsperson and trusted attorney for companies.

She studied law at the University of Vienna (Mag.iur. 2010 and Dr.iur. 2014). During her studies, Ms Mayer-Koukol was initially student assistant at the Institute for European Law, International Law and Comparative Law and then university assistant to Professor Helmut Fuchs at the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology. As part of her scientific work, she dealt intensively with criminal law issues, held courses and lectures and published legal articles in the field of white-collar crime. Her dissertation on compliance & criminal law was published in 2016. Part-time and after her studies, she practiced in international law firms and passed the bar exam in Vienna with distinction. She was admitted to the bar in 2018.

Ms Mayer-Koukol gained international experience at the foreign trade office in Barcelona and in 2012 at the Basel Institute on Governance with the anti-corruption expert Professor Mark Pieth. She is a member of the Whistleblowing working group at Transparency International – Austrian Chapter, the Austrian Society for Criminal Law and Criminology and the Vienna Bar Association.

Hoher Markt 8-9, Staircase 2, 2. Floor, Top 10, 1010 Vienna, Office entrance: Judengasse 1
+43 1 361 4007

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U1/U3 – “Stephansplatz”
U1/U4 – “Schwedenplatz”
Buslines 1A und 3A “Hoher Markt

Parking garages:
Parking garage Hoher Markt, Sterngasse 5-7
Parking garage Franz-Josefs-Kai